tisdag 8 mars 2011

To be or not to be recruited..

That is todays question!

Rekryteringsmässa is become to be this days most interesting event here in Västerås but also in the neighboring city Eskilstuna.

Mm and maybe there is a job for little me to be found :)

Today is also the International Women's Day..the day when women get attention..well i hope everyone will get attention when they need instead of just one day a year!

On tv they are talking of women who sit on company boards and they talk about their thoughts of quota.

I don´t think that question is the most important a day like this but as always have the question of domestic violence low priority..a day like this!

And today is also the day when this years Semlor just to be eaten..Fettisdagen 2011..Virre says that its just today its permitted to eat Semlor but i dont agree..i can eat Semlor every day :))

1 kommentar:

  1. Maria Svensson8 mars 2011 kl. 21:13

    Heeej sister, kan inte låta bli att berätta om vad jag hörde på Cirkus Kiev på radion: De var galna som vanligt men någon föreslog att man skulle slå ihop semmel och kvinnodag och kalla det för kvinnofettsdagen... Hur skulle det se ut??? women's fat day i utländsk media??? Hjälp...
